On Mondays the Kids Connection department prepares for the week ahead and I have a few hours to catch up on my Kazakh studies and download emails.
On Tuesday we spend all day at Saramoldeava orphanage. We spend an hour each with the little kids group, an girls group, and a boys group. We take fun stuff to do and keep up on their lives and needs.
On Wednesday I have a Kazakh lesson and return to the office for meetings and a variety of tasks from remodeling to brochure creation to photography projects.
On Thursday we spend all day at Ulan orphanage. We consistently visit the smallest children and then spend the rest of the day with whichever children are not in classes.
On Friday we have an American meeting to plan delegations review intern applications, brainstorm, and check in with one another. I then try to catch up with emails.
Saturdays in Kazakhstan are also work days! The office is closed, but I have another Kazakh lesson in the morning. My afternoons switch between team fellowship to time with friends to, every now and again, rest!
Sundays are my day to sleep in…once in awhile! J Two Sundays of the month we celebrate birthdays with the kids by either travel to Savva orphanage in the village or doing pizza and a movie at the “American house.”
Most nights I’m home by 6:30 and have time with my host family. We have dinner together and my host Mom helps me with my Kazkah and we talk about our days. Then they watch TV in Russian or Kazakh while I work on my Kazakh, read a book, write letters to the kids at the orphanages, or prep emails. It’s a FULL life, but so GOOD!