Friday, December 14, 2007

Saying goodbye, arevderchi, ciao, ta ta, paka, adios, bayadanki...

Somehow through all of my travels, I've learned a couple of truths. One, I'll make new friends. Two, old friends will be okay without me. Sounds pretty abrupt, but both truths hinge on the faithfulness of the Creator. So I'm trusting that if I greet new people with an open heart and release my loved ones to God's care, there will be blessings to follow.

For me, this week, the final week of the semester at the university, has been a week of goodbyes as my international students fly, drive, and walk all over the globe for their holidays. I have been incredibly priviledged to meet some of the most amazing people through my job. Here's a few pictures from my student goodbye party!

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