Friday, February 15, 2008

Sweet Nothings

It’s the little things I notice here that have warmed my heart to Kazakhstan. I love that on the buses, seats are given to women and to the elderly. It’s done with a quiet courtesy that is often unrecognized. And squished on the morning commute the other day, a woman encouraged me to rest my bags on her lap as she sat in front of me. I was so surprised, but for her, the kindness was second nature. Even more, I can no longer count the number of times boxes and bags have been taken from my arms. Although it has been hard for me, an idependent American woman, to receive, I'm learning to enjoy my escorts to and from the bus stop or wherever I may be going. The KZ people may not have the street front warmth of say, the American South, but their manner reveals a deep sense of cooperation and respect. For the people here, this is life. Not perfect, but there are sweet things to savor.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Hey Little Sis:
Glad to hear you enjoying the "little" things in your "new" home. My friends and I love following your adventures and seeing your wonderful humor and compassion shine through.. You go "Girl Friend"!!
Big and "Old" Sis Vicki