Monday, December 15, 2008

So it's been a busy few weeks. With just 6 days left in the country and only two of them in the office, I'm trying to catch up on my posts...

First, here's a glimpse of our time at Savva orphanage. For me it was saying goodbye, but I made it through. A couple of the older girls have become especially close to me. They were sad when I said I probably wouldn't make it back in time for graduation, but they have said they'll keep writing!

We also had a long discussion with several of the older girls. Two or three times a year we bring supplies for them to write their sponsors. Unfortunately the girls said they've written and written, but had no response! When I'm in the states, I hope to encourage sponsors to write to their children. It's a big deal to get a letter...or not to get one.

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